
follow a rookie writing his first novel


It came to me in a flash of inspiration. Well, more like a soft comfortable daydream. What did? Oh yes, the ending for my novel. Just sort of crept up on me. I saw it like a movie playing out in my head.

I’m nowhere near writing the end of my novel of course. My best guess is I’m around 20% of the way through the first draft. But I do like the feeling  of knowing how it all ends and I might well write the end scene out next, while it is still fresh in my mind.

So, will this be the ending I end up with? Maybe. A definite maybe. Unless a better one occurs to me of course…

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2 thoughts on “Endgame

  1. It is amazing when that happens, isn’t it? I tell people it’s a lot like reading a book and suddenly knowing where it’s going.

    They usually don’t like to hear it, because they have the romantic idea that writing is really different from reading, whereas I find it’s actually quite similar. 🙂

  2. Isn’t that lovely? That brilliant idea that gives you an end point. And even if it isn’t the actual end point, it is great just knowing that an ending, a really good ending, is possible.

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